
I am a front-end developer specializing in creating experiences using data as raw material. Most of my projects take the form of web services with views into data, or as one off data visualisations.

I have extensive experience with the React ecosystem for front-end development and D3.js for visualisations. I am familiar but not proficient with back-end development in Node.js and have some experience working with Python, mostly for data analysis and REST API development. Other tools and frameworks I have experience with include Mapbox, Deck.GL, testing frameworks such as Jest, Testing Library (React mostly), Enzyme, Cypress and Playwright, and CI/CD in Github Actions and Jenkins.


I work for Edge Delta in Copenhagen, Denmark.


Lead Frontend Developer at Churney.

Senior Frontend Engineer at Datarobot.

Creative Technologist / Full Stack at Leapcraft.

Founder and Creative Technologist at Appeer.

Creative Technologist at KL7.

Interaction Design Program at CIID.

Research assistant at Human Interface Technology Lab, Chirstchurch, New Zealand where I was involved in projects in Augmented Reality on the Android platform.

Bachelor’s degree in Design from the Department of Design at the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati.

Usability Engineering Intern at Zensar Technologies, Pune, India.